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About Me

Certified Alexander Technique Teacher Tami Bulmash

I have been a certified teacher of the Alexander Technique since 2009. My academic background is rooted in the behavioral sciences, which have helped inform my approach to and understanding of human behavior. I received my Bachelor's degree in Psychology from the University of Florida and my Master's degree in Theatre Performance from Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts in London.   I completed my three-year training program to become an Alexander Technique teacher at the school of Shaike and Linda Hermelin. Shaike studied with Patrick Macdonald, who was one of the first students to be trained by F.M. Alexander in the 1930s.  Later, I went on to pursue another Master's degree in Anthropology to further expand my understanding of lifestyle practices and behavior. I have devoted the past 20 years to the study, research and teaching of the Alexander Technique.


During my Alexander Technique training program, I was also working as an English teacher.  I began to see patterns of poor posture among my students. I observed how certain lifestyle practices, that are deeply embedded in Western cultures, were a gateway to poor posture. After completing the training program, I went on to conduct a qualitative and quantitative socio-anthropological study in graduate school, which examined the relationship of lifestyle practices and posture among children.  My research found that children who engaged in lifestyle practices that are more prevalent in Western cultures (such as high mobile phone usage, low exercise levels, and moderate to high levels of fast food intake) were more susceptible to poor posture and its negative impact on health.


Prior to discovering the Alexander Technique, I had become accustomed to only thinking about my body when it was alerting me with pain signals.  Once I discovered the technique, it changed my life by providing me with the tools I needed to stop repeating certain habits that led to discomfort or pain.  This recognition was empowering and gave me the control I desired to consciously navigate my choices, and subsequently, improve my overall well-being.


The benefits of good posture are much more than sitting and standing upright. Everything that we think and do is manifested through our mind-body connection and therefore, in our posture.


I am a member of both AmSAT (American Society for the Alexander Technique) and STAT (Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique).

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